Date Rape

Date Rape, also known as "acquaintance rape" is a serious issue confronting teens all across America. In most cases this issue is hidden behind a wall of silence and shame. Few acquaintance rapes get reported and still fewer end in a conviction. According to Rainn, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, "one ot of every 6 American women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime." The vast majority of these rapes take place with young women under the age of 21.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why Do Men Rape?

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The question of why men rape has long been debated. Clearly there seems to be a difference between the "serial rapist" and the type of male who commits an acquaintance rape. The answers to either type of are complicated and not as clear-cut as one might expect. While many serial rapists also murder their victims who are strangers to them, the acquaintance rapist seems to be motivated by a different set of factors. In both cases studies seem to indicate that the rapist may have deep seated anger directed towards women that they may or may not be aware of. Most rapists have a history of violence, have an active sex life, and many have a history of having been abused (sexually and physically) themselves. In 2000, two professors, Randy Thornhill and Craig Palmer published an article in the New York Academy of Sciences, Why Men Rape that started a firestorm on the subject. They suggested that rape was motivated by our most primal roots of natural selection and not for any of the traditionally recognized reasons. Read their article and respond to our question: Why do men rape?


  1. Hi Thelma, I read last night (Bible Study Class) that this was common in ancient times during war. Heterosexuals also raped men (Sodom)for added terror and humiliation. We see this in prisons today too. In Darfur it seems to be similar, the rape is an expression of power, terror, and violence.
