Date Rape

Date Rape, also known as "acquaintance rape" is a serious issue confronting teens all across America. In most cases this issue is hidden behind a wall of silence and shame. Few acquaintance rapes get reported and still fewer end in a conviction. According to Rainn, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, "one ot of every 6 American women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime." The vast majority of these rapes take place with young women under the age of 21.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Date Rape Prevention

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Date Rape prevention education is a tricky subject. Some women's groups object to it because it implies that women are somehow responsible for their own rapes. Let it be understood up front, the only person responsible for a rape is the rapist. Rape is not about sex, love, or romance, it is an act of violence. Having said the above truth, it is also believed by most colleges that prevention education is helpful. Most colleges believe it is better to give advice that might protect an innocent person from a predator than not say anything at all. Watch the video on rape prevention that is posted and make a few suggestions of your own. What is the best advice given and what would you add to the video?

Monday, July 26, 2010

What is "Acquaintance Rape?"

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Acquaintance rape is a type of rape that takes place between people who already know each other is some way such as; a boyfriend, relative, schoolmate, or casual acquaintance. The vast majority of rapes take place not with strangers, but between people who already know each other. Which type of rape do you feel would be more devestating, a rape by a total stranger or by someone you already know?