Date Rape

Date Rape, also known as "acquaintance rape" is a serious issue confronting teens all across America. In most cases this issue is hidden behind a wall of silence and shame. Few acquaintance rapes get reported and still fewer end in a conviction. According to Rainn, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, "one ot of every 6 American women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime." The vast majority of these rapes take place with young women under the age of 21.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Attention VHS CLASS!

THE BLOG GOES IN PROGRESSION FROM THE BOTTOM UP! Start with the first posting below on defining date rape and work your way to the top. Usually I only show one topic at a time for my class. ...Joe


  1. Hi Joe,

    Wow, what a great Blog, and what an intense content topic. Your blog looks professional, and I like the layout (one central column, with resources in columns to either side.) I noticed you've used a lot of visuals (photo, video), external links, and tools such as the survey tool to the left.
    Since our VHS BP discussions on the use of blogs in the classroom, I've been "keeping an eye" on what you are doing. I hope to continue to learn from you as much as I have. Thanks for modeling a great use of blogging in education.
