Date Rape

Date Rape, also known as "acquaintance rape" is a serious issue confronting teens all across America. In most cases this issue is hidden behind a wall of silence and shame. Few acquaintance rapes get reported and still fewer end in a conviction. According to Rainn, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, "one ot of every 6 American women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime." The vast majority of these rapes take place with young women under the age of 21.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Number One Date Rape Drug

The number one date rape drug is alcohol by far! Alcohol is present in over 90% of all date rape crimes and is often used to administer most of the other date rape drugs. In fact, alcohol is almost the ideal rape drug because it attacks the area of the brain that governs judgement and lowers inhabition. Worse yet, alcohol has been accepted in the past as an accecptable excuse for bad behavior by young males.
"Boys will be boys" and alcohol provided the cover for anti-social behavior such as fighting, destruction of property, sexual battery, and rape. Luckily times are changing. In many states, simply having sex with an intoxicated female is grounds for charges against the male even if he was also intoxicated. No longer can the excuse, "I was drunk" be used to justify sex crimes. What do you think? Should intoxication be a factor in lessening a rape charge? Why do you think states are inacting laws that state having sex with an intoxicated female could lead to an arrest? Share your opinion below. (For more information on date rape drugs click here.)

1 comment:

  1. You can learn about all the new "date rape drugs" out there in the lower right link, but the number one drug is clearly alcohol. Becaused alcohol is considered an acceptable drug, males often hide behind it to justify their actions. Females who have been raped often blame themselves because they were also intoxicated. In fact, most women blame themselves first. Watch the video in the upper right to see what I mean.
